petite, young Asian woman stood in the middle of the 7 train platform
with a guitar, the case open at her feet. She had a mic too, and she was
amplified, ready to go. She played quick, jabbing chords as she tuned
up and adjusted her volume. Commuters flowed by on either side. A
westbound train left the station. An eastbound one came in. Still she
played her tense, little chords. Someone bent over and left her a buck. I
wondered whether this was her act. All preparation. No singing. No
deeply hunched vagrant drifted by erratically, looking straight at the
space right past his dirty shoes. People took note of him as they do in
New York City: as the wild card in their midst. The performer eyed him
with a trace of concern. Two more chords: jank-jank.
people got on and off the train I heard him bark at someone. People
turned to look in his direction. When I did, too, he was gone.