morning there was yellow police tape across the entrance to the Park
and a police car parked behind it. And silence, and nothing but beauty
in the Park: the path around the Meer, florid; dewy swings and seesaws
in the playground. I wondered what it all meant and peered pruriently
over the old, low wall for signs of something strange and awful. All was
utterly calm. At the corner more cop cars had gathered. A man surveyed
the northeast corner of the Park through the lens of a Channel 5 news
camera. Photographers wandered the sidewalk, their beige telephoto
lenses bouncing on their haunches. A couple of cops were chatting with a
young black man – could this be a witness, a suspect, some agent of the
invisible, enfolding drama? But he said goodbye, reaching out his hand –
they took it happily, eagerly, and he was on his way.
perimeter ended. The perimeter ended with more yellow tape and more
cars. More patrol cars where I turned to get on the train, Lennox. The
train at Lennox Avenue.