Man: A man in his late thirties.
Woman: A woman in her late thirties.
The present.
The kitchen of a corporate office. The Woman
is stirring a cup of tea on the counter, by a rack displaying a
colorful variety of sweetener packets. A cup of coffee and a gallon of
milk sit on the counter a few feet away. A few feet farther still, the Man stands holding a second gallon of milk which he has just removed from the refrigerator.
Man (holding the milk and staring at the other milk on the counter): I already took out milk.
Woman: Hmm?
What am I doing? I already have milk. I am losing my mind. (Opens the
fridge and puts the second milk back on its shelf.) Donna, can you get
me one of those Sugars in the Raw?
Woman: Sugar in the Raw?
Man (closing the refrigerator door): Um-hmm.
Woman (as she hands the Man a packet of Sugar in the Raw): My cousin’s husband designed the logo for this.
Man: Sugar in the—?
Woman: Raw. Yup.
Man: Raw. Wow.