Friday, October 15, 2004
jackoff Yankee fan was mouthing off to a Red Sox fan at Game 1,
taunting from four rows above, doing the gesture of the fingers off the
chin. The Red Sox fan scoffed and tried to ignore but then things were
said. A flurry of peanut shells. Shower of foamy specks of beer. The Red
Sox fan clambered over of his seat in a bullish burst, catching his
shoe on the armrest and falling awkwardly astraddle, his tubesocked foot
dangling over the chairback. A picture of frustration and fury. The
Yankee fan leaned in, emboldened by his rival's prone condition. The Red
Sox fan made a last valiant effort to rise and lunge but by then he
was being held back, somewhat protectively, by a more sensible Yankee
fan who kept the first one at bay by clutching his cap and pointing to
the NY and nodding, see, see?
The Yankees,
Yankee Stadium